陈永超,男,副教授。2000年6月毕业于郑州大学电气技术专业,获工学学士学位,2000年7月至2003年8月在河南省安彩集团有限责任公司从事电气维护工作,2006年6月毕业于武汉理工大学控制理论与控制工程专业,获工学硕士学位。以第一作者身份在Electronics、WSEAS、电力电子技术、电源技术等杂志上发表论文11 篇,主持省部级项目两项,获国家发明专利两项。
1.Chen Yongchao, Li Yanda, and Zhao Ling. A Novel SVPWM Algorithm Considering Neutral-Point Potential Balancing for Three-Level NPC Inverter. Electronics, 2016, 20(2): 69-75.
2.Yongchao CHEN, Rui MA and Shifeng CHEN. Analysis of Current Ripples to Design an LCL Filter for Grid-Connected Three-Level Inverters . International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science & Technology, 2016, 17(47): 1473-8031
3.陈永超, 张洪涛. 一种具有中点电位控制的三电平SVPWM简化算法. 电力电子技术,2013,47(2):86-88.
4.陈永超, 苗风东, 等. 一种改进的三电平空间电压矢量调制算法. 电源技术, 2013, 137(8): 1435-1438.
5.CHEN Yongchao, Gao Xiangming, etc. An Improved SVPWM Algorithm With Low Computational Overhead for Three-Level Inverter. 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Harbin, China, 2012, pp.1797-1805
6.CHEN Y C, MIAO F D. A simple SVM control algorithm for three-level inverter, 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering. Wuhan, China, 2011, pp.3906-3909
7.Yongchao Chen, Zhenwei Liu, etc. Research on SVM strategy for Matrix Converter and Its Simulation. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2016(15):35-40
8.Yongchao Chen, Shifeng Chen, etc. Ripple Current Analysis of Three-level Inverter based on SVPWM and Design of LCL Filter. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2016(15):41-47
9.Chen Yongchao, Sun Zhifu. A Simple SVM Control Algorithm for Inverter, The International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks,Xianning, China, 2011
10.陈永超, 郭季. 电力电子技术"课程教学改革的研究与实践. 188金宝搏app官网下载学报,2010,pp.136-138.
11.陈永超, 苗风东, 等. 铁耗对感应电机矢量控制的影响及其优化控制. 188金宝搏app官网下载学报, 2015(5):32-36.