6、河南省教师教育课程改革研究项目,2022-JSJYYB-053,基础教育改革对OBE 教育理念下物理师范专业实验教学的影响与变革,2022/01-2022/12,主持。
1. Di Yuan, Donghai Wu, Jing Zhang, Huijuan Geng, Shengnan Li, Lin Ju and Dongwei Ma,Effect of oxygen coordination on the electrocatalytic nitrogen fixation of a vanadium single-atom catalyst embedded in graphene,New J. Chem., 2022, 46, 22936–22943.
2. Di Yuan, Huijuan Geng, Jing Zhang, Shengnan Li, Junlong Tian,Nontrivial Periodic Coherent State in Globally Coupled Oscillators,IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2022,52(1),55-60.
3. Di Yuan, Jun-Long Tian, Fang Lin, Dong-Wei Ma, Jing Zhang, Hai-Tao Cui, Yi Xiao, Periodic synchronization in a system of coupled phase oscillators with attractive and repulsive interactions, Front. Phys. 2018, 13(3), 130504.
4. Di Yuan, Fang Lin, Limei Wang, Danyang Liu, Junzhong Yang and Yi Xiao, Multistable states in a system of coupled phase oscillators with inertia, Sci. Rep. 2017,7:42178.
5. Di Yuan,Haitao Cui,Junlong Tian,Yi Xiao,Yingxin Zhang,Dynamic s in the Kuramoto model with a bi-harmonic coupling function,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2016, 38:23-29.
6. Di Yuan, Dong-Qiu Zhao, Yi Xiao, Ying-Xin Zhang, Travelling Wave in the Generalized Kuramoto Model with Inertia, Chinese Physics Letters, 2016, 33(5), 050502(4).
7. Di Yuan,Mei Zhang,Junzhong Yang,Dynamics of the Kuramoto model in the presence of correlation between distributions of frequencies and coupling strengths,Physical Review E, 2014, 89(1):012910(10).
8. Di Yuan,Jun-Zhong Yang , Conformists and Contrarians in a Kuramoto Model with Uniformly Distributed Natural Frequencies, Commucations in Theoretical Physics, 2013, 59(6): 684-688.